Monday 3 June 2013

This is a temporary Goodbye.

Couple of months ago, I called back home to check on how my dog was doing. She was a German Sheppard that goes by the name of Bobby. She was incredible and has been true to the saying of how dogs are man's best friend.So after calling, my mother gave me the disheartening news of her poor health. The only thing I could do from so far away was pray for her well-being and see her through Skype. I didn't want to miss on the latter and I told my mother to bring her in front of the webcam. Seeing her made me happy but her health did make things bittersweet. At least I saw her. But didn't know that would be the last time I would see my loyal friend. Two days ago I got the heart-wrenching news of her demise. I am planning to go back home this summer and to an extent,I was afraid of asking about her, fearing the worst but being hopeful that I would be able to meet her. I just knew I wouldn't have it in me to come to terms with the possibility of her death.

We got her from the Army back in 2001. She was quite the mess of a puppy. Why? Because she just loved to take a dump and roll all over it. It took a while to stop such a horrible habit but eventually she got rid of it. She was phenomenal during her whole life except one tiny incident that really made me angry. I used to own this rare breed of bird that I fail to name. I know the Bengali name of the breed but the point is that Bobby ate that bird. So one fine day our caretaker forgot to shut the cage after serving meal to the bird. The bird was on the heavier side and when it found the loop of fleeing from the cage, it failed to literally lift itself up after falling down from the cage. I came back from my school only to find an unidentifiable organ and few feathers here and there near the main entrance, oblivious to what really happened. Some more of the feathers were inside Bobby's mouth. Oh how much I loathed her that instant after putting the pieces together even though I cannot blame their basic instinct of being a carnivore. I got over it and haven't ever looked back on this mishap up until now. Funny thing is Bobby never dared to attack any of the rabbits I owned. I'll never know why she chose to be indifferent to the rabbits but it was hilarious nonetheless.

Throughout the past 12 years,she saw me grow up and I saw her being supportive to my whole family with her whole heart. I remember this one time there was a dilemma of either giving her up or choosing to stay in a really dilapidated house because majority of the other landlords wouldn't allow pets when we had to move to a new place. I fought with my mother a lot and finally got to keep her. I simply couldn't give up on her for the mere pleasure of staying in a better home and I am glad that I stood up for her.

She has always been a big part of our family and her memory will live with us.She has been an incredible source of inspiration for me. I hope she is in a better place and forgives us if we ever did wrong to her. These past few days have been really difficult but hopefully time will heal this void that has been created by her demise.

To Bobby: I love you so much! I'll always remember you and try to be half as great as you have been throughout your life.

P.s.This is a temporary goodbye. We have to meet again! Rest in peace till then.

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