Thursday 16 May 2013

The Angelina Effect: Giving Hope

She still has the immense power to turn peoples head around by the most meager thing one can think of. She has been inspiring so many for such a long time that by now everyone to an extent knows her motive: to help humanity. But recently she came clean with how she made the decision to have a preventive double mastectomy. This reduced her having breast cancer from 87% to under 5%. I didn't know how the process works but a little research about it shook my world. I am sure she battled with herself as to what this process would mean. But back of her mind,I knew she wanted to do it for her family and raise awareness regarding such a mean of tackling breast cancer. She is a brave one and I salute her for this. And I hope she succeeds in raising awareness regarding Breast and Ovarian cancer and how one can find out how much their individual probabilities are and take necessary steps accordingly.

I don't know but this really gave me hope. It's just something really nice to come across amid so much negativity that is surrounding us on a regular basis. The murder of Tim Bosma is something that shook me earlier today for the wrong reasons. While there is the absolute evil side of this world, every now and then....there comes moment of absolute bliss and glory. This brave story certainly enlightened me for all the right reasons. God Bless her!

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