Tuesday 14 May 2013

Take a step back and enjoy life.

I am currently reading the book of awesome:
This book is simply awesome. No really. It informs you about the little joys in life. Like arriving at the bus stop and the bus arriving just then and there. Or maybe the great smell of new books. Or maybe that time when you just sat inside your room, looked outside and saw how it was transformed with white snow.
Often times we forget the life that we are currently living. The moment that is with us here, right now. The joys we tend to just overlook due to our long term goals. But I don't think that's really a great way to enjoy a life that has such a small time span.
The past year was extremely hectic. Juggling life by completing 3rd year, part time job, living all on my own, networking and more. It was not easy to say the least. But now that things have slowed down a bit,it does feel great to just look back and see how far I came. However I needed this moment to myself to reevaluate what I just went through. So maybe we all should take time for ourselves, just look back and pat ourselves. We have done a lot and we all hope to do more than what we did yesterday. But it's great to take a step back and gain back some of your energy. Let them be refueled. Let them come back at full force. Till then, don't feel guilty for taking some me-time. It's the least you can do for yourself.
At least that's how I am treating myself. It sure does feel really nice. I have a bucket list that consists of watching some movies I have been wanting to watch for years(I did cross one of the movie: Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. Brilliant stuff!), going camping(I need to bribe some of my lazy friends), losing weight, exploring Toronto like never before, finish reading the bazillion books I bought myself few days ago and more.
So ladies and gentlemen. Take a break. You earned it!

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