Saturday 27 April 2013

Savar Tragic: May their struggle & pain be for nothing.

I have been superficially swamped with my own life when people are dying in such dreadful ways for the Savar incident. I feel so ashamed of myself. I can't even do anything to help people out there. What has this world come to? Telling the Western retail giants anything would only mean them boycotting Bangladesh and shifting their attention to other developing nations. That would rather hurt my country considering it's our main source of income. Feels so helpless. I pray for each and every lost soul. I won't even be able to comprehend the pain they went through their whole life,being paid at the bare minimum or less and being victim to such a tragic incident that brought an end to their existence. I do wish them eternal peace and a beautiful afterlife. May Allah take care of them when us humans fail them.

I just wish this along with the many tragic hitting countries like Bangladesh, make those behind them to take responsibility and take initiatives to fix them. It may mean dropping profit but I am sure money is never that important. Never more important than a human life. In a very realistic way,I know that there are severe economic downturn, increasing competition and more barriers to making the most profit but letting a country violate its safety protection requirements just to get cheap production is definitely not the answer.

I'll pray and hopefully soon I can go there for the vacation and help as much as I can. The least I can do. May their deaths and suffering be for nothing. May it be a voice for those still suffering. May it be a waking call for those that have kept turning their backs to such a growing crisis. May it help Bangladesh.

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