Saturday 30 March 2013

Top 3 Books for 2012

Even though none of them are actually from 2012,I finally took the time out to read these and was truly blown away. Here are my top 3 books for 2012. 
No. 3 Lord of the Flies by William Golding
The metaphorical representation of our fears was just stunning. It had me on the edge. I remember over the summer, I intensely just read this book instead of my course related books.I know I am late in truly enjoying this masterpiece but it’s never too late.
No. 2 Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

God. This book was just so compact and intense at the same time. Thoroughly enjoyed it from the start to the twisted end. Made me a true fan of Lehane!

No. 1 Pet Sematary by Stephen King
This is the book of the year for me. Absolutely exhilarating and gory in ways I never thought possible. I honestly couldn’t believe that Stephen could make this laughable premise into something truly haunting. Brilliant and definitely deserves the no.1 spot for me.

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