Tuesday 28 June 2016

Travel Blog 2016 - Thoughts Before Flight to Toronto

Flight in about 12 hours to reality. It's been a whirlwind, for sure. The pictures mostly captured the beautiful places, the excited feelings and in general the run down of the 5 cities I visited. It didn't capture the worries we have had with regards to missing our trains, being unable to keep our ginormous backpacks somewhere safe before heading out for the day, the notion as to whether what I am doing personally is leading me to my goals with regards to travelling, coordination issues with your fellow travel mates and more. I think that's why it's important to know that social media captures a very small part of things. But I do like to share my experience, in the hopes that I too can meet people and meet at a point where we have common things to share.
I can see why people nullify traveling as a privileged hobby. But if you know me, you'd know I have very little interest to buy things. I'd rather have the opportunity to just see what's out there. And this trip, like other trips, proves that there is so much to be learned and experienced.
I was hanging out with 4 people from across US, Canada and UK and it was a good discussion when we talked about what do you hope to get out of travelling? I don't think I have an answer. What I do have is memories. To walk down the canals of Amsterdam. To learn about the horrors of Holocaust in Berlin, to see their resilience in not forgetting and making sure amendments in their own way are done. To walk around castles high up in the hills of Prague and experiencing breathtaking sunset on the Charles bridge. To writing journals facing castles under the rain, holding an umbrella in one hand and writing with the other. To walk past Van Gogh's house in Montmartre and coming ever so close to his masterpieces in both Amsterdam and Paris. Having dinner at Montmartre, with the waiter kissing his girlfriend passionately and serving us our amazing food - quite the multitasking. To seeing Eiffel Tower at its glory at night. To falling in love with Brussel and Bruge's simplicity. To meeting other travellers across the world. Be it someone from Australia on her own for few days to get away from her corporate job. To someone from NY who quit her full time job to embrace a nomads life. To learn about so much that you couldn't keep up and yet you write as much of it down anyways in the hopes that you can find some time and do research about the topics. To the incredible New Europe guides who have built a world of their own and to share it in their own way to us - amazing.
I have questioned if I am making the most of the places I have visited. I think few days back I stopped asking myself that. I don't think we can ever really answer that. Just yesterday my mom and I were joking about how 6 years ago I boarded a plane for the first time and to see myself calling her from different cities in the past two weeks - much has changed. So that's a start.
Which brings back to an important aspect. This wouldn't be possible for so many people. My job - I have complained to people about certain frustrations but at the end, it has paid for this trip. My manager and above, who without any question allowed me to take leave of absence. To my parents, my close friends and my siblings, who have always supported my dream to explore the world without restraints. To the Almighty for so much and more. To you'll for putting up with my constant social media update (trust me, I'd find myself annoying too). Yet so many of you followed the trip and guided me through it. So thank you for letting me use this platform to share my story.
To a final parting thought - I often ask myself who I really am and what purpose I serve. Some days I have gloriously good answers. Other times, it's depressing response to my own-self. But with each passing day, I feel like things are making sense. You start to pick up things that actually matter and blatantly disregard those that are waste of time. It's a constant mental battle but the craziness to live and laugh can triumph it. On this 17th century apartment rooftop, I most certainly have a great view. However I am getting bitten by mosquitos and freezing due to the cold weather. But that's fine. Life is all about the good and the bad.

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