Friday 9 May 2014

A Much Appreciated Break.

This past Monday, I had the great opportunity to sit for my first professional examination. The months that led to the final day was simply put, worthwhile. I am still waiting on the result but I lived by my mojo of not having any regret. I believed I gave my best and that's the most I can hold on to. 
Right after the exam, I decided to take a break for two days. I just felt that it would be wise before I delve into further studying. I did whatever makes me calm down and reflect on things around me. With the rush and fast pace of life, it's quite easy to even forget what is happening around us until it's too late. 
I went for a four hour walk around Downtown Toronto and given the beautiful weather, it truly was a spectacle. 
Here are some pictures from the walk. 

It was everything and more that I could have asked for. 
Day 2. 
Out of nowhere I decided to visit the Royal Ontario Museum and it was quite refreshing. I tend to write a lot these days and it was so great to sit down and write about the examination experience and more at the museum of all places. 

This was the spot where I sat down and wrote the journal. 
It's been quite reinvigorating and honestly needed this to recharge myself. 

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