Saturday 29 March 2014

But it's not our fault.

I keep wondering why one might have urges to hurt themselves, when I was walking back to my place tonight. I am talking about all those negative thoughts that people brew in their mind regarding themselves. Even I was no stranger to this phenomena just two years back and from my personal experience, here's what I came up with.

You see most are insecure about one thing or another. But when they see that same insecurity is absent among others, they feel the need to put them down. They need a closure of some sort and what better way than to see it in others?

What this does however is not something anyone should be proud of. It breeds negativity and we have too much of that already on our plates.

I keep seeing, repeatedly, how many choose to delve down the path of negativity both knowingly and unknowingly and it does bother me. Why? I mean why not? How can anyone honestly thrive when negativity of any sort is present? We see those thriving around us as people we should be hating or being jealous of. But why not, for a change, embrace who we are and strive to put forth our best effort? You'd pleasantly be surprised by the results, in a good way. At the very least you can go to bed at night, knowing that you chose not to put down someone else for the betterment of your own self. 

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