Thursday 7 March 2013

The Power to End.

Recently I got the unfortunate news that someone took away their own life. It's always baffling when anyone gets such news but I guess we all feel helpless after hearing. I knew this person from high school. He was all smiles,the kind that would be happy with the simplest of things. There are rumors as to what was going wrong with his life but I'll just skip over that part. He did leave cryptic and somewhat indicative messages via his facebook statuses,cover photos etc. It's so visible now that he is no more. This following picture did struck me heavily.
What I especially feel terrible about is that how he probably didn't have the support to which he could convey the dark part of his life and seek help. I don't want to pass any sort of judgement because of how little I know. What I do want is that hopefully he is in a better place now. The world can be so cruel at times(or most of the time for some). It's not hard to believe that one succumbs in feeling like it's them against the world. I too have had my share bit of dark days and consequently felt like giving up. But I felt like I can rise above it and put up a fight. I mean what's there to lose anyways? That's why ever since then I have been open to hearing whatever problems one might be going through. You never know how you can guide and help them in feeling that there is more to it than momentary pain and suffering. 
I feel like all the successes and failures in ones life lead them to where they are truly suppose to be at the end. I just wish people didn't focus too much on failure and negativity over what's good in their respective life. I am no expert in this field but it does hurt knowing how there are so little support around us to battle such harsh conditions. 

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