Saturday, 26 January 2013

Heart of Gold.

She was everything I'd hope for when I thought about a living being. I still remember landing in Canada back in September 2010, knowing nothing but the mere fact that a long distance relative was kind enough to give me a place to stay till college started. I mean that in itself made me put this stranger at a place where barely even people I know well reach. After a grueling journey, I reached Canada. I reached a place where I would be growing up not only physically but also mentally. And I am still blessed and happy to have started this journey with her. My dearest aunt, Tuli Fhupi. She is not with us anymore. But her heart of gold and ever glowing presence still makes my day. 
She could have treated me like absolute garbage and I'd still not have anything against her. She was suffering Leukemia at the time and the eventual cause of her death. Yet she treated me with so much love and affection, that I legit felt overwhelmed. Throughout the years and my eventual move in with her and her husband,I built a relationship that is as strong as that of a mother and son. She never made me feel like I was not her son. She always made sure I was fed well, looked after and properly given great advises as to how to live a great and blissful life. She never made things complicating. She loved simplicity and derived enjoyment out of the small things in life. I can only wish I can be half the human she was. 
I tried to help her as much as I could. I honestly don't think I gave my best and for that I have regretted much,but hopefully she forgave me. For some reason,I think she did. I wish her eternal happiness for not only giving so much to me but because she dedicated most of her life for others. I am glad to have known her family, who have been equally amazing and caring towards me. 
Now that I am in such a pivotal point in life,I hope to keep her memories and teaching with me. May she be proud of whatever I am today. I wish I could tell her all the stories I have bottled up inside me but soon enough,I'll get the opportunity!

I love you dearly,Fhupi!

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful words. She loved you so much and to be honest i think having you there living with her did more for her than for you. She always wanted to take care of everyone and you came at the perfect time. Love you.
